Stock analysis is the evaluation of a particular trading instrument, an investment sector, or the market as a whole. Stock analysts attempt to determine the future activity of an instrument, sector, or market. This is what Fundamental analysis tries to do! If the stock price drops below the intrinsic value, you buy. If the stock price is above the intrinsic value, you sell. That pretty much sums up the role of someone trying to use Fundamental analysis in your investment or in their trading. As mentioned, there are two broad ways to do Fundamental To analyze market data, you can choose a database from the index list (NYSE Composite, Euronext 100, BSE Sensitive, FTSE 100, etc.) and select a stock exchange (NYSE US, NSE-ALL, AMEX US, ASX Australia, KLS Malaysia, OSLO Norway, etc.). Now, choose a stock market from the stock list as per the selected stock exchange.