Is the unemployment rate really dropping

The unemployment rate dropped to 3.7 percent in September, a low not seen since 1969. The rate dropped from 3.9 percent in August, according to the latest Labor Department report. September marked the third straight month of unemployment below 4 percent.

The unemployment rate remains high at 8.2 percent but is falling. You can see the positive trends below. However, if you look at the labor force participation rate below (blue line). The participation rate is collapsing as employees stop looking for work. Unemployment is at a 50-year low, and it might drop a lot further. Job seekers wait in line to apply for part-time, full-time or seasonal positions at a job fair at Dolphin Mall in Sweetwater, Fla., on Oct. 3, 2017. Now, time for some bad news: Part of the reason the unemployment rate fell is because 236,000 people left the labor force altogether last month, not because everyone suddenly has jobs, according to the same report. Because Jobs in the U.S. are doing so well, Americans receiving unemployment aid is the lowest since 1973. The key point in my view is that the unemployment rate really is not dropping much. if we look at the other side, the employment rate (the percentage of the population who are employed) it is only 0.4 percentage points above its low for the downturn. We have made up very little ground since the worst of the downturn. The overall unemployment rate improved in April to 8.1% with 115,000 jobs added according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate was 8.2% in March. After a big drop in the Black unemployment rate in January — the biggest since March 2009 — Black unemployment appears to be improving greatly. U.S. Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.7 Percent, Lowest In Nearly 50 Years The jobless rate last month was the lowest since 1969, though the economy added a less-than-expected 134,000 jobs, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said. Wage growth slowed to a 2.8 percent rate.

Oct 4, 2019 The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its monthly Employment Situation Report, which shows robust employment growth in September.

The nation’s unemployment rate sank in April to the lowest rate since December 1969, but the milestone comes with a big caveat: The decline stemmed from more people quitting their search for work. Early in the recovery, the unemployment rate began to drop even though hiring remained weak, because workers frustrated by the lack of jobs stopped looking for work and were no longer counted as That’s the lowest rate since the bureau began regularly breaking out unemployment rates by race in 1972. A similar drop of 1 percentage point was recorded during the same 11-month period in 2016 America's unemployment rate has plummeted from 10% during the Great Recession to 4.1% today. Goldman Sachs thinks it's headed to the lowest level in half a century thanks to the accelerating economy. There is a real, underlying reason, why unemployment rates are falling and it has nothing to do with job seekers. Well, it has nothing to do with job seekers leaving the market.

Mar 26, 2018 “When the economy was really bad, veterans suffered just like everyone else,” Wenger said. “Generally they are younger and we were really 

May 5, 2018 Are we really going to drop to the levels of post-World War II employment? It seems unlikely. The labor participation rate at that time was close to  Oct 4, 2019 The jobless rate dropped 0.2 percentage points to 3.5%, matching a level it last saw in December 1969. Oct 7, 2019 Sharp drops in unemployment in the past often have brought Unemployment falls to a 50-year low in September, but worker earnings actually edge lower. report showed that the 3.5% unemployment rate is at a fresh 50-year low, to $28.09 was the first month-to-month drop since October 2017 and 

The overall unemployment rate improved in April to 8.1% with 115,000 jobs added according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate was 8.2% in March. After a big drop in the Black unemployment rate in January — the biggest since March 2009 — Black unemployment appears to be improving greatly.

The United States economy continued to thrive in April, with the unemployment rate dropping to 3.6 percent—the lowest unemployment rate since December 1969, according to the Bureau of Labor The overall unemployment rate improved in April to 8.1% with 115,000 jobs added according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate was 8.2% in March. After a big drop in the Black unemployment rate in January — the biggest since March 2009 — Black unemployment appears to be improving greatly. The nation’s unemployment rate sank in April to the lowest rate since December 1969, but the milestone comes with a big caveat: The decline stemmed from more people quitting their search for work. Early in the recovery, the unemployment rate began to drop even though hiring remained weak, because workers frustrated by the lack of jobs stopped looking for work and were no longer counted as That’s the lowest rate since the bureau began regularly breaking out unemployment rates by race in 1972. A similar drop of 1 percentage point was recorded during the same 11-month period in 2016 America's unemployment rate has plummeted from 10% during the Great Recession to 4.1% today. Goldman Sachs thinks it's headed to the lowest level in half a century thanks to the accelerating economy.

Oct 7, 2019 Sharp drops in unemployment in the past often have brought Unemployment falls to a 50-year low in September, but worker earnings actually edge lower. report showed that the 3.5% unemployment rate is at a fresh 50-year low, to $28.09 was the first month-to-month drop since October 2017 and 

Mar 9, 2020 The only downside was retail, which lost jobs for the second month. The unemployment rate dipped to 3.5%. Wage growth was stable. This is  Jan 10, 2020 On Friday, headlines touted two big numbers from the monthly jobs report: the unemployment rate and the number of new jobs created. Jan 11, 2020 Don't Believe The Hype: Black Men's Unemployment Rate Jumps As Wages Keep Dropping. The Black unemployment rate has actually been  Oct 3, 2019 The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to near a 50-year low of 3.5% in September, with job growth increasing moderately, suggesting the  May 4, 2018 A decreasing unemployment rate would seem to be good news! Now, time for some bad news: Part of the reason the unemployment rate fell is 

Oct 7, 2019 That's despite the national unemployment rate plunging to 3.5 percent “There's a group of people, even in a really strong economy, who don't  Jan 23, 2020 Oregon's unemployment rate dropped to 3.7% in December, the lowest on record dating back to 1976 according to the Oregon Employment  Aug 7, 2009 The unemployment rate decreased to 9.4 percent, falling for the first Why did unemployment essentially remain unchanged, decreasing by 0.1 percent? had already taken place, and auto employment actually increased. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.7 percent in September, a low not seen since 1969. The rate dropped from 3.9 percent in August, according to the latest Labor Department report. September marked the third straight month of unemployment below 4 percent. The unemployment rate remains high at 8.2 percent but is falling. You can see the positive trends below. However, if you look at the labor force participation rate below (blue line). The participation rate is collapsing as employees stop looking for work. Unemployment is at a 50-year low, and it might drop a lot further. Job seekers wait in line to apply for part-time, full-time or seasonal positions at a job fair at Dolphin Mall in Sweetwater, Fla., on Oct. 3, 2017. Now, time for some bad news: Part of the reason the unemployment rate fell is because 236,000 people left the labor force altogether last month, not because everyone suddenly has jobs, according to the same report. Because Jobs in the U.S. are doing so well, Americans receiving unemployment aid is the lowest since 1973.