How cross rate of exchange is computed
The current spot exchange rate is $1.55/€ and the three-month forward rate is $1.50/€. Based on your analysis of the exchange rate, you are confident that the spot exchange rate will be $1.52/€ in three months. Assume that you would like to buy or sell €1,000,000. What actions do you need to take to speculate in the forward market? A. An international currency exchange rate is the rate at which two currencies can be exchanged. The rate reflects how much one currency costs in terms of the other. more Suppose that the EUR/USD exchange rate is 1.20 and you'd like to convert $100 U.S. dollars into Euros. To accomplish this, simply divide the $100 by 1.20 and the result is the number of euros that will be received: 83.33 in that case.